What is the most likely diagnosis?
- 41 year-old with frequency and dysuria

Unenhanced, coronal reformatted CT scan of abdomen
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Medullary sponge kidney
- Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
- Spina bifida
- Renal tuberculosis
Additional Image - Axial CT scan of abdomen

Additional Images

Unenhanced, axial CT scan of abdomen

5. Renal Tuberculosis
More (Click Discussion Tab)
Renal Tuberculosis
General Considerations
- GU tract second most common site of tuberculous infection after lungs
- Males more commonly infected than females, most often < 50 years old
- Spread is hematogenous and usually occurs with primary exposure
- Although may not be clinically apparent at this time, remaining latent for decades
- Active pulmonary TB seen only 4-8% of time
- Only about 25% of patients with GU TB have a known history of pulmonary TB