"Masses" with Air Bronchograms
Differential Diagnosis
General Considerations
- The “air bronchogram” is a fundamental sign of pulmonary radiology in which the normally thin-walled and mostly invisible bronchi transform in multiple tubular branching structures made visible by a substance other than air surrounding them
- The substance that can replace the sir around bronchi may be fluid, blood, pus, or, less likely, tumor
Causes of “masses” which may contain air bronchograms
- The masses that contain air bronchograms are more likely to be malignant
- Bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma are the most frequent cell types
- Other causes are
- Alveolar sarcoid may be “mass-like” and contain air-bronchograms
Mass with Air Bronchogram. There is a mass in the right upper lobe (red arrow) that contains multiple air bronchograms (black arrows). The mass was an adenocarcinoma of the lung.