Carcinoid Tumor of the Small Bowel
Submitted by Theresa Kaufman, MSIV
General Considerations
- Rare, potentially malignant, neuroendocrine tumor of primitive stem cells in gut wall which have hormone-secreting potential
- Arise from enterochromaffin cells of Kulchitsky
- Male predominance
- ~50% of carcinoids occur in appendix; ~33% occur in small bowel
- Most common primary tumor of the small bowel
- Most appendiceal carcinoids are benign
Clinical Findings
- Most are asymptomatic in early development
- Most common presentation is episodic abdominal pain
- Secretory products:
- Serotonin
- Histamine
- Kallikrein
- Prostaglandins
- Serotonin is deaminated by monoamine oxidase in liver and lungs to 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA)à excreted in urine
- Normal: <10 mg 5-HIAA in 24-hour urine
- Serotonin mediates desmoplastic change, leading to fibrosis
- Metastases to mesenteric lymph nodesàalso produce endocrine substances and fibrosis
- Fibrosis is characteristically “spoke-wheel” toward adjacent bowel loops, causing them to pull closer
- Carcinoid syndrome
- Usually associated with liver metastasis (see Complications below)
Imaging Findings
- Usually performed once biochemical diagnosis confirmed, typically by elevated 24-hour excretion of 5-HIAA
- Barium studies are non-specific and less helpful than CT and scintigraphy
- Smooth intraluminal, rounded, asymmetric mass, usually in ileum
- Tethering of bowel loops by fibrosis, causing bending of bowel wall and crowding of folds
- Abdominal CT with intravenous and oral contrast
- Visualization of primary tumor
- Lymph node enlargement—mesenteric, para-aortic or retroperitoneal
- Radiating linear strands around soft tissue mass due to fibrosis (“spoke-wheel” pattern); may contain calcification
- Bowel wall thickening of adjacent bowel loops
- Liver metastases
- Often multiple
- May be hypervascular
- May become calcified
- Frequently associated with carcinoid syndrome
- 2% of tumors <1 cm in diameter metastasize; 80% of tumors >2 cm metastasize
- Ischemia or obstruction due to fibrosis may be present
- Indium-111 Octreotide imaging (Octreoscan)
- Octreotide is a somatostatin analogue
- Carcinoid tumor cells almost always contain somatostatin receptors, and show increased uptake on scan
- More sensitive than MIBG scans
- MRI with gadolinium
- Useful for detection of metastases
- Low T1 and high T2
- Enhance peripherally in arterial phase and hypointense during portal venous phase
- Surgical resection with mesenteric lymph node excision
- For all tumors, even with metastasis, to prevent development/ progression of fibrosis and other complications
- Management of symptoms
- Patients with severe flushing and/or diarrhea à somatostatin analogue, octreotide
- Symptoms resistant to octreotide aloneà add IFNa
- Carcinoid syndrome
- Usually occurs with liver metastasis
- Vasoactive substances released into systemic venous flow
- Signs and symptoms include
- Cutaneous flushing (early and frequent sign with metastases)
- Secretory diarrhea (84%)
- Bronchospasm/asthma (25%)
- Carcinoid crisis
- Severe flushing, changes in blood pressure, bronchoconstriction, arrhythmias, confusion/stupor
- Carcinoid heart disease
- Right-sided subendothelial fibrosis
- Tricuspid stenosis/insufficiency
- Pulmonic stenosis
- Left side of heart is protected by monoamine oxidase in lungs
- Intussusception
- Carcinoid may be the lead point
- Small bowel obstruction
- Small bowel ischemia
- Has an association with scleroderma
- Dependent upon site of origin, size, presence/extent of metastases, histology, presence of carcinoid syndrome
- Complete resection of small bowel carcinoid à 75% 5-year survival rate
- Lower (19%) survival rate in patients with distant metastases
Carcinoid tumor of appendix. The white arrows are pointing to a soft tissue mass in the right lower
quadrant containing calcium and surrounded by fibrotic stranding (blue arrows).
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eMedicine Carcinoid Tumor Tebbi, C