Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation
General Considerations
- Developmental hamartomatous abnormality with cyst production
- 25% of all congenital lung lesions
- Communicate with the tracheobronchial tree
- Usually receives blood supply from pulmonary circulation and drains to pulmonary circulation
- Types II and II may be associated with extralobar sequestration and receive systemic supply
Clinical Findings
- Most patients present in first month of life (70%) but sometimes discovered later in life because of recurrent pulmonary infections
- Usually present with respiratory distress
Imaging Findings
- The diagnosis can usually be made with conventional radiographs of the chest
- Equal predilection for each lung, slightly more common in upper lobes
- Lobar involvement is most common
- Prenatal ultrasound is accurate in diagnosing the disease usually at a mean gestational age of 22.6 weeks
- Early in life, the disease may present as a homogeneous, fluid-density mass because of delayed emptying of alveolar fluid, progressing to an air-filled cystic structure containing multiple air-fluid levels in cysts of varying size
- Although multiple cysts may be present, it may appear as one large cyst initially
- Shift of the mediastinum away from the lesion
- There is air-trapping in the cysts which may lead to rapid enlargement
- The most frequent finding on CT are small cysts (<2cm) associated with larger cysts or consolidated lung
Types of CCAM |
Type |
Description |
I |
Most common; composed of 1 or more cysts measuring 2-10 cm in size, larger cysts often associated with smaller cysts; walls contain muscle, elastic, or fibrous tissue. Cyst walls occasionally produce mucin which is unique to this subtype. |
II |
Small cysts (0.5-2 cm) of relatively uniform size resembling bronchioles; lined by cuboid-to-columnar epithelium with a thin fibromuscular wall. |
Microscopic, adenomatoid cysts which are grossly a solid mass without clear cyst formation. |
Differential Diagnosis
- Congenital lobar emphysema
- Typically overexpansion of one lobe, most often an upper lobe
- Sequestration
- May look identical to CCAM if infected with air-fluid levels
- Bronchogenic cysts
- Well-circumscribed and fluid-filled
- Surgical resection of the involved lobe in symptomatic patients
- May be associated with other congenital abnormalities up to 25% of time
- More common with Type II lesions and include renal, intestinal, cardiac and osseous abnormalities
- Depends on size of lesion
- Larger lesions are associated with vascular compromise, pulmonary hypoplasia and poorer prognosis
- Type III lesions are larger and have poorer prognosis

Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM). Chest radiographs obtained on day 2 and 3 of life show an expanding, air-filled cystic lesion (white and yellow arrows) in the right lower lobe. The newborn also had hyaline membrane disease. A Ct scan of the same child shows a cystic lesion in the right lower lobe with septations (green arrow) and an air-fluid level (blue arrow).
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Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation. Gerald Mandell, MD. eMedicine