Cardiac Imaging Differential Diagnoses

Cyanosis with Decreased Vasculature
CHF in the Newborn
Cardiomegaly with Normal Vasculature
Cyanosis with Increased Vasculature
Causes of Enlarged Left Atrium
Causes of an Enlarged Main Pulmonary Artery
Causes of Prominence of the Thoracic Aorta
Types of Left-to-Right Shunts
Causes of Increased Flow Vascularity
Causes of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Causes of Pulmonary Venous Hypertension
Causes of Congestive Heart Failure
Causes of Marked Enlargement of Cardiac Silhouette
Causes of Cardiomyopathy
Causes of Pericardial Effusion


Cyanosis with decreased Vasculature

  1. Tetralogy
  2. Truncus-type IV
  3. Tricuspid atresia
  4. Transposition 
  5. Ebstein’s anomaly BACK to TOP

CHF in the Newborn

  1. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 
  2. Coarctation of the aorta
  3. Cong. aortic stenosis
  4. Mitral stenosis
  5. Cor triatriatum
  6. Pulmonary venous obstruction as in:
    • Stenosis of the pulmonary veins
    • TAPVR from below diaphragm BACK to TOP

 Cardiomegaly with Normal Vasculature

  1. Viral myocarditis
  2. Endocardial fibroelastosis
  3. Aberrant coronary artery (from PA L to R shunt)
  4. Cystic medial necrosis of coronary arteries
  5. Diabetic mother  BACK to TOP

Cyanosis with Increased Vasculature

  1. Transposition
  2. Truncus types I,II,III
  3. TAPVR
  4. Tricuspid atresia
  5. Single ventricle BACK to TOP

Causes of Enlarged Left Atrium

  1. CHF
  2. Mitral stenosis
  3. Mitral regurgitation
  4. Prolapsed mitral valve
  5. Papillary muscle dysfunction
  6. Left atrial myxoma  BACK to TOP

Causes of an Enlarged Main Pulmonary Artery

  1. L to R shunt
  2. Pulmonary arterial hypertension
  3. Pulmonic stenosis
  4. Idiopathic dilatation of pulmonary artery  BACK to TOP

Causes of  Prominence of the Thoracic Aorta

  1. Hypertension (entire)
  2. Atherosclerosis (entire)
  3. Aortic insufficiency (entire)
  4. Aortic stenosis (ascending)
  5. Aneurysm (ascending or entire)
  6. Coarctation of the aorta (ascending)
  7. Aortitis (ascending or entire) BACK to TOP

Types of Left-to-Right Shunts

  1. Atrial Septal defect
  2. Ventricular Septal Defect
  3. Patent ductus arteriosus
  4. Anomalous pulmonary venous return
  5. AV communis
  6. Anomalous origin of left coronary artery from pulmonary artery BACK to TOP

Causes of Increased Flow Vascularity

  1. Left-to-right shunts
  2. Atrial septal defect
  3. Ventricular septal defect
  4. Patent ductus arteriosus
  5. Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
  6. AV communis
  7. High-output states  BACK to TOP

Causes of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

  1. Primary or idiopathic
  2. Secondary to
  3. Lung disease – COPD, fibrosis
  4. Pulm. arterial dz – arteritis, multiple emboli
  5. Chronic hypoxia – hi altitude BACK to TOP

Causes of Pulmonary Venous Hypertension

  1. Coarctation of aorta
  2. Aortic stenosis
  3. Hypoplastic Left Heart syndrome
  4. Mitral stenosis-acquired or congenital
  5. Left atrial myxoma
  6. Cor triatriatum
  7. TAPVR from below diaphragm
  8. CHF  BACK to TOP

Causes of Congestive Heart Failure

  1. Coronary artery disease
  2. Hypertension
  3. Cardiomyopathy
  4. Valvular lesions – AS, MS
  5. Left-to-right shunts
  6. Fluid overload BACK to TOP

Causes of Marked Enlargement of Cardiac Silhouette

  1. Cardiomyopathy
  2. Pericardial Effusion
  3. Multiple valve disease BACK to TOP

Causes of Cardiomyopathy

  1. Alcoholism
  2. Coronary artery disease
  3. Collagen-vascular disease
  4. Myocarditis – e.g. rheumatic
  5. Amyloidosis
  6. Nutritional – e.g. Beriberi BACK to TOP

Causes of Pericardial Effusion

  1. Viral pericarditis
  2. Collagen-vascular disease, e.g. lupus
  3. Uremia
  4. TB
  5. Trauma
  6. Post myocardial infarction
  7. Mets BACK to TOP

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