Learning Radiology xray montage

Emphysematous Cystitis

General Considerations

  • Acute inflammation of bladder mucosa and underlying muscle
  • Diabetes mellitus, frequently poorly controlled, is present in 50-80% of cases
  • Other predisposing conditions
    • Chronic urinary tract infections
    • Neurogenic bladder
    • Bladder outlet obstruction
  • Women are affected twice as often as men
  • Gas-forming organisms most often found include E. coli and Enterobacter aerogens, with Clostridia and Candida species found on occasion

Clinical Findings

  • Dysuria
  • Frequency
  • Hematuria
  • Pneumaturia is rare

Imaging Findings

  • Conventional radiography may show gas in the lumen of the bladder or in the wall
  • It is usually curvilinear or mottled and may assume an oval shape with a horizontal long axis as opposed to air in the rectum which may also be oval shaped but has a vertical long axis
  • If the gas is intraluminal, there may be an air-fluid level using a horizontal x-ray beam or on CT
  • When adjacent to the nondependent mucosal surface, the air may have a cobblestone or “beaded necklace” appearance
  • US may show diffuse bladder wall thickening and increased echogenicity
    • There may be focal regions of high-amplitude echoes with posterior dirty acoustic shadowing
  • CT is highly sensitive and may show other causes of bladder air such as a fistula from bowel secondary to a carcinoma or inflammatory disease such as diverticulitis or Crohn’s Disease

Differential Diagnosis

  • Bladder instrumentation
  • Vesicocolic or vesicovaginal fistulas
  • Trauma


  • Treatment involves intravenous antibiotics and relief of any outlet obstruction.

Emphysematous Cystitis. Axial, non-contrast enhanced CT scan of the pelvis demonstrates multiple small bubbles of air in the wall of the urinary bladder (white arrows). The bladder wall is thickened.
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Emphysematous Cystitis. Coronal CT scan with contrast in the urinary bladder shows small bubbles of air (black arrows) in a markedly thickened bladder wall (red arrows).

Emphysematous Infections of the Abdomen and Pelvis: A Pictorial Review. DE Grayson; RM Abbott; AD Levy and PM Sherman.  May 2002 RadioGraphics, 22, 543-561.