Foreign Body (Chicken Bone) Perforation of Bowel
General Considerations
- Overall, most ingested foreign bodies occur in children
- Perforation occurs in less than 1% of ingested foreign bodies
- Known agents include chicken and fish bones, toothpicks, dentures and cocktail sticks
- Blunt foreign bodies may also perforate through a slower process of pressure necrosis of the bowel wall
- Most patients don’t remember ingesting the foreign body
- At greater risk are:
- The elderly
- Those wearing dentures
- Patients with bowel strictures
- Alcoholics and psychiatric patients
Clinical Findings
- Pain
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Fever
Imaging Findings
- CT is most useful in finding the foreign body and the reaction to them
- Most common site of perforation is terminal ileum (83%) and colon
- Visualization of the foreign body outside of the bowel lumen
- Thickening of the bowel wall
- Surrounding inflammatory reaction
- Small amounts of loculated extraluminal air
- Free air is not common
Differential Diagnosis
- Appendicitis
- Diverticulitis
- Treatment usually involves surgical resection or repair of the bowel
- Fistula formation
- Inflammatory mass
- Acute abdomen
Chicken Bone Perforation of Cecum. The patient had ingested chicken about a week prior. There is a calcific, curvilinear foreign body (yellow arrow) outside of the lumen with adjacent bowel wall
thickening, stranding and a small amount of extra-luminal air (white arrow). The 3D color reconstruction
shows the chicken bone (oval) outside of the cecum.
For these same photos without the arrows, click here and here
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Ulster Med J. 2007 January; 76(1): 37–38. Bowel perforation caused by swallowed chicken bones – a case series. S Akhtar, N McElvanna, KR Gardiner, and ST Irwin
Amjad A. Rasheed, Vikram Deshpande, Priscilla J. Slanetz. Colonic Perforation by Ingested Chicken Bone. AJR:176, January 2001;176:152 0361–803X/01/1761–152