Meconium Ileus
General Considerations
- Obstruction of the small bowel in the terminal ileus from impacted meconium
- May develop in utero and manifests within 48 hours of birth
- Meconium is normally evacuated within first 6 hours
- Earliest sign of cystic fibrosis
- Autosomal recessive
- Predominantly Caucasians
- Diseased exocrine gland function affecting primarily the lungs and the pancreas
- May also be seen with other pancreatic disease such as stenosis of the pancreatic duct
- In a few cases, the pancreas is normal and there is decreased intestinal motility
Clinical Findings
- Abdominal distension
- Failure to pass meconium within 48 hours
- Bilious vomiting
Imaging Findings
- On conventional radiographs
- Meconium, being fluid density, is normally invisible on radiographs
- In meconium ileus, there may be dilated loops of bowel (small bowel) typically without air-fluid levels because of the viscosity of the secretions
- Bowel distension can achieve very large sizes
- Bubbly appearance of intestinal contents in the right lower quadrant
- On contrast enema
- Required to establish the diagnosis
- Nonionic contrast agents (e.g. Omnipaque or Hypaque) or dilute Gastrografin
- Fluid shifts have been reported with Gastrografin
- Microcolon
- Underused colon in antenatal obstruction
- May be seen with other causes of distal small bowel obstruction
- Multiple oval filling defects in distal ileum and colon from inspissated meconium
- On ultrasound
- Enlarged loops of bowel
- Possible RLQ “mass” representing inspissated meconium
Differential Diagnosis
- Hirschsprung’s disease
- Small bowel atresia with meconium ileus
- Meconium plug syndrome
- Functional immaturity of the ganglion cells in the colon leading to failure to pass meconium
- Considered same as small left colon syndrome
- Imperforate anus
- Water soluble contrast enema usually clears the meconium
- Associated with cystic fibrosis in almost 100% of cases
- About 20% of patients with cystic fibrosis first present with meconium ileus
- Volvulus
- Ischemic bowel
- Bowel necrosis
- Ileal stenosis
- Ileal atresia
- Perforation
- Meconium peritonitis
- Usually produced by intrauterine bowel perforation
- Frequently the result of meconium ileus
- May be sterile at first but become infected
- Meconium ileus-equivalent syndrome is a term applied to a partial small bowel obstruction in an older patient with known cystic fibrosis
- While the bowel gas pattern may resemble that of meconium ileus, the findings are not due to meconium which is present only in the newborn
Relationship to Cystic Fibrosis |
Meconium ileus |
Yes |
Meconium peritonitis |
Yes |
Meconium plug syndrome |
No |
Meconium ileus-equivalent syndrome |
Yes |
Meconium ileus. At top, a conventional radiograph of a newborn abdomen shows a "mass" in the right lower quadrant (white arrow) made up of loops of ileum with inspissated meconium, markedly dilated loops of bowel (black arrow) and a "soap-bubbly appearance to the meconium (white oval). In the contrast enema on the bottom, a small, unused microcolon (white arrows) is seen and there are filling defects representing meconium pellets in the terminal ileum and colon (black arrow).
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Meconium Ileus eMedicine Hekmatnia, A; McHugh, K; Hiorns, M.